Tasmanian eReferral System

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About the Tasmanian eReferral system

eReferrals are a way to send secure electronic referral communication between primary healthcare providers, hospitals, specialists and allied health practitioners.

They can improve the quality and efficiency of the referral process by reducing delays, errors, and duplication.

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health have partnered to bring an eReferral system to Tasmania. The system uses HealthLink Smart Forms for primary care users, linking to the referral management system for public hospitals.

The eReferral system is available to all primary care organisations and primary care eReferral usage costs are paid for by Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health in a cost sharing arrangement.

Rollout progress to date

Stage 1 rollout of the eReferral system has now been completed across Tasmania with outpatient services across all public hospitals and more than 85% of non-GP medical specialist organisations across the state onboarded.

In June 2023, monthly referrals sent across the Tasmanian health system totalled 5,421 with 3,573 of those to public hospital outpatient services and the remainder to private primary care providers. This exceeds our 3-year monthly usage target in less than a year.

The cumulative total of eReferrals sent as of 30 June 2024 was over 100,000.

For more usage stats, please visit the 'Hear all about it' tab below where we will post regular usage updates.

What's next?

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health are now moving into stage 2 of the eReferral system rollout.

In stage 2, the Department of Health project team will focus on:

  • expanding the system to further outpatient departments and Tasmanian Health System services
  • introducing Statewide Referral Criteria into outpatient service templates, and
  • continuing to respond to user feedback to improve usability of hospital referral templates.

Primary Health Tasmania will focus on:

  • continuing to increase awareness and use of the eReferral system by GPs and non-GP medical specialists
  • supporting integration of HealthLink Smartforms into Communicare and Medical Director Helix
  • working with HealthLink to further develop the system to improve usability for allied health organisations, and
  • capturing feedback from primary care users and working with the Tas DOH and HealthLink to improve the system.

Progress and further information about are available in the eReferral Stage 2 rollout progress tracker to the right.

How to navigate this site

To the right you can find:

  • rollout progress information
  • useful documents and links with more detailed information, and
  • information on how to contact the eReferral team or request a demo session for your organisation.

In the section below you can find:

  • news and updates about the system
  • information about the key benefits of eReferrals
  • information about upcoming enhancements
  • a feedback and suggestions form.

About the Tasmanian eReferral system

eReferrals are a way to send secure electronic referral communication between primary healthcare providers, hospitals, specialists and allied health practitioners.

They can improve the quality and efficiency of the referral process by reducing delays, errors, and duplication.

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government Department of Health have partnered to bring an eReferral system to Tasmania. The system uses HealthLink Smart Forms for primary care users, linking to the referral management system for public hospitals.

The eReferral system is available to all primary care organisations and primary care eReferral usage costs are paid for by Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health in a cost sharing arrangement.

Rollout progress to date

Stage 1 rollout of the eReferral system has now been completed across Tasmania with outpatient services across all public hospitals and more than 85% of non-GP medical specialist organisations across the state onboarded.

In June 2023, monthly referrals sent across the Tasmanian health system totalled 5,421 with 3,573 of those to public hospital outpatient services and the remainder to private primary care providers. This exceeds our 3-year monthly usage target in less than a year.

The cumulative total of eReferrals sent as of 30 June 2024 was over 100,000.

For more usage stats, please visit the 'Hear all about it' tab below where we will post regular usage updates.

What's next?

Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health are now moving into stage 2 of the eReferral system rollout.

In stage 2, the Department of Health project team will focus on:

  • expanding the system to further outpatient departments and Tasmanian Health System services
  • introducing Statewide Referral Criteria into outpatient service templates, and
  • continuing to respond to user feedback to improve usability of hospital referral templates.

Primary Health Tasmania will focus on:

  • continuing to increase awareness and use of the eReferral system by GPs and non-GP medical specialists
  • supporting integration of HealthLink Smartforms into Communicare and Medical Director Helix
  • working with HealthLink to further develop the system to improve usability for allied health organisations, and
  • capturing feedback from primary care users and working with the Tas DOH and HealthLink to improve the system.

Progress and further information about are available in the eReferral Stage 2 rollout progress tracker to the right.

How to navigate this site

To the right you can find:

  • rollout progress information
  • useful documents and links with more detailed information, and
  • information on how to contact the eReferral team or request a demo session for your organisation.

In the section below you can find:

  • news and updates about the system
  • information about the key benefits of eReferrals
  • information about upcoming enhancements
  • a feedback and suggestions form.
  • Share Benefits of eReferral on Facebook Share Benefits of eReferral on Twitter Share Benefits of eReferral on Linkedin Email Benefits of eReferral link

    Benefits of eReferral

    10 months ago

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  • Share Key Benefits on Facebook Share Key Benefits on Twitter Share Key Benefits on Linkedin Email Key Benefits link

    Key Benefits

    10 months ago

    Key Benefits: 

    • No more maintaining templates and address books,  

    • No more walking to the fax machine and no more checking the fax log to see if the referral got through. 

    • Reduced workload and pressure on Admin staff with less time on the phones and fax machine following up on referrals  

    • The allows you to add supporting documents, such as pathology reports 

    • HealthLink SmartForms is secure with remote support available  

    • Best of all, HealthLink SmartForms usage in Tasmania is paid for by Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government Department of health. Making it free for primary care users, now and forever 

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Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024, 02:40 PM